Suggestion Box
Its your community
Make it yours and share your ideas with the council of Owners in your strata.
In a strata community, everyone has ideas on how to best keep the appearance, or to add new things and so much more.

Share it with your Council of Owners who can review your suggestion. Remember if you don't share, you will never know the outcome.

While all ideas will have different impacts some may be beneficials and other ideas may not work. nevertheless, it all about being part of a community .
Your Personal Details
Your Strata, Your Voice
Your feedback and suggestions matter. All information shared here is forwarded to your Council of Owners for review and response.

Tip: Please ensure your feedback or suggestions are relevant to your strata and adhere to your By-laws. Abusive language, threatening behaviour, or similar conduct will be reported to the police.
So we know who is putting in the suggestion.
In case the Council of Owners or Strata Manager needs to contact you.
In case the Council of Owners or Strata Manager needs to contact you.
This number identifies your strata plan which can be found on a strata levy invoice issued to you.
This be your address
Suggestion or Feedback
This section is where you can provide any suggestion or feedback that your Council of Owners can review and reply accordingly.
Tip. Keep the Suggestion or Feedback relevant to your strata and remember its your strata.
Is there any pictures you like to share?
Remember to keep the picture/s relevant to your Suggestion or Feedback.